COVID -19 och övervikt och obesitas/fetma

COVID-19 and obesity

In this section of we will be collecting the latest news on COVID-19 and obesity. We will be summarizing the latest information and recommendations from Folkhälsomyndigheten and SFO (Svensk förening för obesitasforskning) and SFOK (Svensk förening för obesitaskirurgi).  

COVID-19 has had a major impact on our society. The global and national take on the virus changes continuously. Patients living with obesity have expressed questions and concern in regards of COVID-19 and the potential risks. 

On Wednesday the 8th of April 2020, the SFO - Svensk Förening för Obesitasforskning and SFOK - Svensk förening för obesitaskirurgi gave us the below information:

“Individuals living with a BMI between 30-35 and with good health are today not part of a risk group. However, the guidelines from the authorities still apply.

Without having the exact facts, we see it apt that individuals with severe obesity (BMI 40 or higher), and people with obesity, that also experience any kind of impact on the functionality of the lungs due to obesity could be at risk. These individuals should be extra careful with social contacts in order to avoid the virus.

Individuals that are included in any of the groups at risk according to Folkhälsomyndigheten and living with obesity are obviously at risk. We are hoping to access clearer data regarding the potential risks for people living with obesity in relation to COVID-19.”

Do you have questions?

If you have questions to the medical care regarding overweight and obesity in relation to COVID-19 then we are here to help. Click here to submit your questions and we will forward your questions to our experts. We will collect all questions and answers and summarize them under the FAQs. You can be anonymous.

Our experts are: 
Carl Magnus Brodén, medical docter/Head of Operations at GB Obesitas Malmö. He will answer questions regarding weightloss surgery and medical treatment. 

Lua Dandara Rangel, nutrionist at Skånes Universitetssjukhus, will anser your questions on diet.

Kajsa Järvholm, psychologist at Skånes Universitetssjukhus, will anwer your questions on mental health.